33010 High Speed PXIe Digital IO Card主要特色:?Standard PXIe-Hybrid [3U] compatible bus type?100MHz maximum clock rate?32 channels per board?Extendable up to 256 channels in one chassis
33010 High Speed PXIe Digital IO Card
Chroma 33010 is a high-density 100MHz PXIe digital IO card designed for characterizing, validating, and testing a variety of digital and mixed-signal ICs. Each IO card consists of a Sequencer Pattern Generator (SQPG) and 32 channels of full ATE-like features. The 33010 IO card is expandable up to 256 channels. Some unique features of the 33010 include an on-board SQPG, per pin timing/levels/ PMU/TFMU, multiple time domains, and multithreaded testing for complex IC testing. Each channel is also equipped with 64M vector memory, 16 timing sets with on-the-fly timing change, and per pin timing and frequency measurements up to 400 MHz.
Proprietary Software, CRAFT_PXI and other rich features of software support
In addition to LabView and LabWindows support, Chroma provides a proprietary software option, CRAFT_PXI, for Windowsbased systems. CRAFT_PXI contains a full set of production tools and user debugging tools. The production tools include ease-of-use GUI software with an Operator Interface, Test Data Output, Binning and Sequence Control, Wafer Map, Summary Tool, and rich sets of prober/ handler drivers. The user debugging tools include a Data Logger, Debug Plan, TCM, Shmoo, Pattern Editor, Waveform, and more. A CAD to ATE pattern conversion tool is also supported to cover WGL/STIL/VCD/EVCD conversions.
Addressing the emerging market and test cost challenges
With a high-density per pin and per site architecture, full suite of ATE Pin Electronics (PE) card functions, expandable channel count, and a rich set of software support, the 33010 digital IO card will help users address the emerging market and test cost challenges. 33010 PXIe cards can be easily adopted with other PXI/PXIe solutions such as RF, SMUs, and Mixed-signal cards to address a variety of applications such as MCUs, Sensors, RF ICs, PMICs, or ICs with combined functions.
版權(quán)所有:深圳市君輝電子有限公司 備案號(hào):粵ICP備13029163號(hào) 總訪問量:316838 站點(diǎn)地圖 技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng) 管理登陸